“…The Hulk I created when I saw a woman lift a car. Her baby was caught under the running board of this car. The little child was playing in the gutter and he was crawling from the gutter onto the sidewalk under the running board of this car — he was playing in the gutter. His mother was horrified. She looked from the rear window of the car, and this woman in desperation lifted the rear end of the car. It suddenly came to me that in desperation we can all do that — we can knock down walls, we can go berserk, which we do. You know what happens when we’re in a rage — you can tear a house down. I created a character who did all that and called him the Hulk. I inserted him in a lot of the stories I was doing. Whatever the Hulk was at the beginning I got from that incident. A character to me can’t be contrived. I don’t like to contrive characters. They have to have an element of truth. This woman proved to me that the ordinary person in desperate circumstances can transcend himself and do things that he wouldn’t ordinarily do. I’ve done it myself….”. Tiré d’une interview donnée en février 1990 au Comics Journal.
Jacob Kurtzberg alias Jack Kirby naquit en 1917 à New York. Il a créé bon nombre de personnages de comics : Capitaine America, les 4 fantastiques, Thor, Hulk, Spiderman, Ironman autant de personnages que l’on retrouve maintenant dans des blockbusters sur les grands écrans. Il a donné aussi un style qui a influencé et nourrit encore les créateurs. Il nous a donné notamment les «Splash-Pages» dessins de pleine page qui tranchent avec les planches découpées ou encore les «Krackles». C'est un Géant du 9ème Art. Il nous quitte en 1994.